Month two.. Patiri

12 juni 2019 - Oranjestad, Aruba

Hi there,

It's been a month but I will write for just two weeks. A lot happend so I thought I will break the month down. I will start by answering the question if I work at all. Yes I work here aswell but I totally forgot to write about it becaus Ive been busy the whole time that it didnt occur to me to write about it becaus that is not so interesting comparing to the rest I do but I will tell something about it now.

The work is good and the people are nice. I've been learning Papiamento but its a little bit harder then when I had to learn German in Switserland. Im here now for two months and I still don't understand the conversation they are having. But of course there is a lot of Dutch talking going around aswell so that's nice. I need to get use to the different protocols that they use but besides that it's not that different. We only assist the surgeon in the operating theater (operatiekamer in het Nederlands) what I wasn't used to anymory but I really like it to be there.

I like my work but I enjoyed it more in Switserland, perhaps that will come after time. Here is the life after work more interesting! I wouldn't recommend to come here for one year because they are really slow in organising stuff. It seems that nobody really knows how it works around here. They send you from A to B to G and then it seems that you were right the first time and that you need to go back to A. But when you know people, then it is easy and then can do everything at once. So thats really frustrating. There are still stuff that aren't organised yet. Ah wel, Im on a island so I can't complain. 

I got a rental car and the second one was better then the first, but this one doesn't have airco, automatic windows or a radio. So I use my JBL box with my ipod and that works pretty good.

So.. now comes the interesting stuff. I went to Renaissance island, that's were the flamingo's are. It was nice to see and it is really beautifull and relaxt there but I don't have to go back. That island is at the opposit of the Airport, I like it when you see the plane come and go. We did a little hiking trail but there were a lot mosquitos and I got stung several time in not even 5 minutes. The next day my eye was a bit bigger perhaps a small reaction. 

I've been a weekend to Sint Maarten, a friend of my is working there at the moment. Because I'm already in the neighbourhood I thought I fly over and say hi. It was really nice, I love the mountains and it reminded me of Switserland. We did some diving, walking, relaxing and in between we drank a nice cold beer. The week after that I was in the city center and then a boy came towards me asking if I had been at Sint Maarten the week before because he thought that he had seen me there. What a small world!

In my last blog I wrote that I was going to start with sport. I couldn't choose what to do excactly so now I'm switching every fortnight between themI We will see how that goes.

On the beach there are ceveral turtelnest so we often go there and hope that one will come out. It takes about 60-70days for they come out. What we also did in those two weeks is joining a sunsetboat. 

So that were two weeks..

Whats coming up next,

- Highwinds (kitesurf competition)

- My first car!

- Different apartment, the one where I will stay the rest of the time

- Arikock national park (offroad tour)

- AND..... my first visitor comes over! Evelyne!!! 


2 Reacties

  1. Ans:
    27 juli 2019
    We zijn nu weer wat op de hoogte door het schrijven van je verhaal. Ver weg en toch ook weer dichterbij voor mijn gevoel. Er zijn nog heel wat plannen in de planning en jij komt tijd tekort ná werktijd, zoals ik het begrijp. Ben ook erg benieuwd naar deze nieuwe taal Papiamento, voor ons geheel onbekend. Straks veel plezier met Evelyne!!
  2. Erik Van Doorn:
    28 juli 2019
    Ha meisje, zijn weer helemaal bij. Je ziet nog eens wat daar. En dan natuurlijk de bezoekjes van je vrienden en vriendinnen. Leuk hoor. En, a la Lianne, ontmoet ook weer anderen waarmee je je een aangename tijd hebt. Net als de cursus duiken, jij durft!!
    Hebben hier net een hittegolf gehad dus we worden hier ook een beetje voorbereid voor onze reis. Geniet van je tijd daar en van tot schrijfs. Knuffel.