Good old times!

1 november 2017 - Kellerberrin, Australië

Im really getting spoiled by Joe and Christine, wenn I went to Keller they gave me a goodybag full of candy, bars and botlles of water. I was looking forward to go back to Keller again, it's been exactly four years ago that I first went there. And eventhough I wasn't nervous to getting to Australia, I was a little nervous about going back to Keller. I have a lot of good memories about that place but some bad ones aswell. I've lived their for about two and a half month and I've lived half a year in the town next to it.

I had told two of my friends that I was coming over for a day so that we could catch up. Pazza didn't had to work so I would see him at his place and Beau would be done at around half past four so we would met in the pub.

First I went over by Stewie and Jackie, between my work at the pub and the motel back then I spend a lot of time there to write an article about my final exam (but thats's a whole other story) and I always could stay and sleep there. So because I didn't had a place to stay overnight I wanted to go over there and say hi and ask if I could stay there. Too bad that they where not at home.

So I went to Pazza. He was the first guy in Keller that invite me over on a sunday for watching the UFC in the garden with a few people, having a big barbie and drinking tequila and beer. I spend a lot of sundays at his place! We were catching up memories about those good times but the bad ones came up aswell. He still got my christmass card that I had send him two or three years ago!
The only thing that changed there was that he had a pool table now. It was a bit of a dodgy one but still. He told me straight away that I should'nt take it personal but that he hates to lose against a woman. And that counts for everything. That makes it even better and I won the first game. NO MERCY! The two games after that I sanked the black ball to early, then he won by himself and at the last game I smashed him. It was good to catch up with him *hihi.

After that it was time to go. But then I started to think about the conversations we had and I was wondering if I had made the right decision for coming back over here. I seem to have a little bit of a problem letting certain stuff go. I was not really feeling comfortable anymore and I was wondering why I went back here in the first place. 

I went back to Stewie and Jackie but they were not home so I was heading for the pub. Keller is not so big so everything is at a walkdistance. The pub changed a bit, it was looking way better then the last time I was here. New paint, different things hanging on the wall and it looked clean. The man behind the bar was different and also the people who were sitting ther didn't look familiar. The man behind the bar started a conversation and apparently he was the owner off the pub. The funny thing was that he was that wann I was working there aswell but we have neverseen each other then. I asked if I could have a look around and told him that he had done a ood job. It really looked way better! 

Then Beau arrived and it was time to drink a beer. I had orded a lemon lime and bitter when I got in the pub, a nice cold and alcohol free drink. . yeah you read it right, alcoholfree.
I had asked Beau how his mum and dad were and that I still had promised his dad to have a drink with his own brewed beer at home. Because in the time I was working and living here I was at their house a drank his last bottles. I didn't knew then that he had brewed them himself and that it were his last ones. .  oops. He told me that the next time I should drink one with him. Well ou shouldn't make promises that you can't keep, how cliché. I know someone who is reading this just LOVES clisches, not writing names down. He asked where I slept and suggested that I could stay at the guestroom by him and his parents. That sounded pretty good.
I had a little practise at playing pool a few hours ago so I challenged Beau. I didn't got lucky and most of the times I lost. .  Then his mum and dad showed up and they got a drink. Beau had texted him that I talked about his beer and then they came over straight away. I found that pretty awesome. And they came at the right time because at that moment I won! We got challenged to play doubles and that was a really good and exciting game. We both were on the black ball but we lost. After that I played for a beer and offcourse I won that one. I started chatting with his parents and they asked were I was staying that night and I told them that Beau invited me to stay in the guest room. They wanted to suggest that aswell. They use to get a lot of backpackers over and I had slept on the couch there before. 

I finished my drink and asked his parents if they wanted another one and asked Beau what his plans were. I could choose. . so another round of beers it is. After that we went home and one of Beau friends went with us aswell. 

What is better after drinking then some food? So his dad turned on the barbie and made some steaks and eggs, awesome! And it was finaly time to get his own brewed beer. It took me long enough. . around three or four years. But it was worth it! Damm good beer. But after a bottle I had enough. One more would not have done me good. Time to go to bed.

Beau still had my photolist which I gave him when I left. Thats was nice to see! I got a wallet from him back then but that one got stolen a few years ago so he gave me a new one. I like gifts, they are not just gifts but memories aswell.

When I got up Beau already went to work so I went to his parents and thanked them that I was able to stay overnight there. I could stay anytime they said, that's good to know!

I went to the shop and there I saw Jackie and we talked for a bit. Too bad that I missed them last night so she gave me her card and she said that next time I should call her and I could stay there anytime I wanted. Nice! I also bumped into a few people I used to relax with, having a beer, do barbies and play pool in their mancaves (yes I was allowed in mancaves then). Having barbies in the sun with a beer in your stubbieholder is just a part of life there, I love that.

 I said home before because I feel at home there. There are a lot of good people living in Keller and they always have been really nice to me. No I remember why I went back to this place. And even though I was uncomfortable for a moment yesterday I wished that I could have stayed longer because I don't know if I would ever come back here again.
