Lindis Pass and Lake Tekapu! Awesome

14 november 2017 - Tekapo, Nieuw-Zeeland

Today it was going to be a day full of driving. But we would pass the Lindis Pass and that should be really nice. So we had enough stops there to take pictures. Really one of my favorites! It has so many different landscapes. . Mountains with snow, mountains without anything, dessert, moor etc. Just beautiful.

It's really impressive how quick people can fall a sleep, any time, anywhere and in any position. Unbelievable, they just have a gift. I know someone else that's really good in falling a sleep in just a few seconds.

There we were: LAKE TEKAPO! A working college told me to drive towards that place. We should actually stop in a village that we passed earlier but well. . just drove a bit more (we had to drive back this road tomorrow as well).

We got the last camping spot * WOEP WOEP. And went cooking, to bad that we didn't had any pots or pans to cook with. . We had nice Dutch neighbors that borrowed out their stuff. We worked on our travel diary in the dark with our torches and a jacket over our knees.
Watching the stars overnight, really awesome and then. . try out Simone's blanket. . And is was getting cold that night. Good on her! She was even looking forward to try it out. In the morning she told me that she had it cold during the night, but without the blanket she would have died! Good that she had one!!

We had a walk towards the observation tower on mount John. There we had an cappuccino with cheesecake. Simone really likes that, I told her that a good friend of mine in Switzerland can make awesome Cheesecake. And now I will write a name down. So Karin. . she can't wait to try yours!

Time to get back to our car, writing our names down in the sand with rocks and pine cones. How romantic! Off course do that with our boyfriends name as well. . How cliche. .

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